Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6 Golden Rules To Remember When Writing Any Marketing Piece


In this article, I'm going to share with you couple of important stuff that are "golden rules" of writing any marketing piece. Make sure you bookmark this, so whenever you want to write a marketing piece, follow the golden rules and I guarantee whoever read your piece, will be coming back for more...

Rule Number 1 : Use "YOU," Not "WE"

Do you know what tick me off whenever I read a sales copy, mail message or article content and post? Here's an example of how it sound:

"We have the best service, best price and widest selection. We feel our customers are very important to us and we treat them like a family..."

We, we, we, you see, this is totally a big mistake, you can't write like this if you want your prospects to read your piece. To be honest with you, your prospect doesn't care about you and your family or what you feel... writing "we" is just as bad as writing "fuck" in your marketing piece.

The correct and actual way to write is from the reader's view point. You see, if you have been reading my blog's articles, you will notice that every single article I wrote, were "me" talking to "you" personally. To be honest with you, I always illustrate "you" in front of me when ever I start writing my article post.

So, you'd better say "you" a lot and for every 5 to 6 times, it's alright to say "I." Want example? What you are reading right now is a great example.

Rule Number 2: Write In The First Person

I'm sure by now this is pretty easy to understand. Write in conversational talk as if you were really talking to your friend. You can also imagine if it was a script you were going to read out load. You see it is extremely important to write in the first person, just like the way this blog is written. I'm sure if you have been reading my blog, you will feel I'm a friend of yours giving you advice. Don't you?

Rule Number 3: Urgency

This rule mostly apply to marketing piece thats trying to selling something. You see, if you're going to get them to order tight now, when you are about to close your piece, you'll need to insert urgency into it. To be honest with you, if you ever allow them to put the piece down and let them think about it later or even order later, there's a chance they'll forget to ever order. You see, your main motive is to compel them to order on the spot... as if they are lucky to received your piece to read it. In order to close this deal here are some ways you can write to tell them:

* You have limited quantity * Your price is going to go up * Special bonus only for 250 people

Always remember to give reason why it's a limited quantity or why price is going up, etc... because it's important to insure what you are telling them it's believable.

Rule Number 4: The "If...Then..." First Sentence


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