Thursday, June 19, 2008

Articles Can Make Money


Most people seem to want to keep switching from automatic software generators to bombs to portal sites to directory listing sites, which is fine, but I have and always will stick to creating unique content that's informative and of high quality. Adsense is all the rage now, and there are so many different ways to make money from Adsense, but here is a method you've probably not tried and most people probably won't s it does take effort and time. Most people seem to want to keep switching from automatic software generators to bombs to portal sites to directory listing sites, which is fine, but I have and always will stick to creating unique content that's informative and of high quality. My method is not the only way to make money with Adsense, but I feel this is the best method for long term success, simply because it's been working well for me in different ways since I began Internet marketing a while ago.

This is a business idea that I'm doing right now and I believe it will make me a fortune in the long run. What I've been doing is creating a site similar to It's a free site that shows people how to do a lot of different things. The best way to explain the site is just for you to go have a quick look now. They have thousands and thousands of pages of content on all sorts of subjects and the way they get traffic to their site is through the search engines, which is all well and good if you want to wait awhile, but this guide is all about making money quickly. Every page on their site has an adsense box on it and that's how they make their money. They also have a Alexa traffic ranking of around 2000 which is great.

Trying to write that much content before making any money would be difficult, you'd lose interest quickly and trying to write that much content or even buy that much content in one hit would be lunacy. You also need to submit your articles to online article directories. Each directory has its own submission guidelines so be sure to check them out first. Make sure your resource box is included with the article when you submit it. Without this resource box, readers will not know who wrote the article or how to get more information from your website. More visitors will also help increase your search engine ratings.

When you join Google's Adsense program, Google will place Adsense ads on your site that are directly related to the topic that you are writing about. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you are paid for that click. The amount you are paid will depend on what the advertiser is paying for that ad and only Google knows that. The more traffic you get to your site, and the higher your click through rate (CTR), the more money you can earn.

I've always preferred to make money constantly even if the project is only half done or in progress. I find it gives me incentive to keep going.

More Money in Less Time


Which is more precious: time or money? If you could have an ample supply of either, but not both, which would you choose? It's a tough question. If you choose money, you may not have the time to enjoy it. If you choose time, how will you get along financially?

Since the dawn of the Internet, people have been looking for ways to have BOTH lots of time on their hands and lots money in their wallets. It seems like very few of us have broken that secret code that allows us to make a great living without giving up all of our precious spare time.

Like a great magician, a great marketer never reveals the real tricks of the trade...those methods he or she uses to make a great living without sitting at the computer for 16 hours a day. Of course they want to keep their techniques a secret; they'd like to keep all the money to themselves, right? Just like magicians like David Copperfield want a monopoly on magic, Internet millionaires want a monopoly on success.

So what about the rest of us? What are we supposed to do? Every day we're bombarded with business opportunities that either rip us off or simply don't work. But we continue to work at it, trying to find that one golden key to easy street.

If you have found something that works for you, more power to you. If, like the rest of us, you're still struggling to make your big break, keep looking. Success is out there for people who take the time to sniff it out.

Believe it or not, there are money-making systems out there that you really cannot lose with. Even if you fail at the system, you still make money. Best of all, these systems can be worked without huge time or financial commitments. True success systems are complete and turn-key. They bring you website traffic (even if you don't have a site yet), residual income, and lasting success without backbreaking work.

Income systems really do exist that allows you to:

1) make a full-time income in one hour per day, and ,

2) completely eliminate the cost of online advertising and promotions. And, did you know that virtually all successful Internet marketers use the same powerful billing technique?

There really is no complicated Internet success bible. If you can harness the power of a few very powerful, yet closely guarded techniques, you can succeed in almost any Internet business. Dig deep, travel far, and do some serious homework and you'll find the goldmine you're looking for. Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Google Adsense, do please browse for more information at our websites.

Using Only Free Tools, Get 5 Powerful Ways To Make Money From Adsense


1) Ways to make money from Adsense by Using Articles And A Viral Marketing Website

Any online marketing technique that involves the use of referral marketing or viral marketing automatically has a huge chance of being a success. The net is ideal for viral marketing and in fact gives any viral marketer huge leverage. Viral marketing or referral marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Just ask Bill Gates.

When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after an earlier mistake of underestimating the future importance of the net, he launched his Hotmail free email service when rivals like Yahoo already had millions of users. He decided to use a simple referral marketing technique. Every Hotmail message that went out had a brief signature at the end requesting the recipient to sign up for their free Hotmail account. Within a few short months, Hotmail had millions of users. And there are many other amazing stories which viral marketing boasts of on the net.

There is one of the very simple ways to make money from Adsense by going viral. Sign up at a leading viral marketing site. You will automatically get your own viral site. You can then use some of your articles to point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is that anybody who signs up at your site will have to visit your Adsense site if you register it at the site. So within a very short time you will be driving thousands of visitors to your Adsense site.

Find more details on this at my blog whose address you'll find in the resource box below.

Admittedly this traffic is less targeted. Still the huge potential and possible numbers you are able to receive using this free tool more than makes up for this.

2) Ways to make money from Adsense With Your Email signature

People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple email signature as one of the ways to make money online. Actually this is a viral marketing method because emails get forwarded all the time and are even copied to several other people sometimes. Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites. Writing effective email signatures is a skill that you will have to develop, but I have found that using famous quotes is more effective than a straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised to online.

3) Ways to make money from Adsense By Asking Questions

At Discussion groups I recently had an interesting conversation with a young Internet and computer techie. He asked me whether there were quick ways to make money online by answering technical questions and helping people to solve their computer and web-related problems. My answer was that there were many discussion groups where participants would get these answers for free. I advised him that he had a better chance of making money by making use of this free advice available online rather than by trying to sell his own advice. There are tons of online discussion groups where leading world experts will answer your questions and give you valuable insight for free. It is amazing why most people do not think of using these online forums to learn as much as they can about the most effective ways of making money from Adsense. These forums can easily be found through you favorite search engine.

4) Ways to make money from Adsense By Bartering your online skills for valuable Adsense keywords

In the old days, before the invention of money, if somebody needed something, the first question they asked themselves was;What is it that I already have that I can exchange for what I need? Barter trade seems to have been forgotten but it is a very powerful method of trading. More so online where people have plenty of skills but are slow to trust others enough to send them money for an item they need. You can barter whatever it is you have, your skills, products or services, and exchange them for genuine valuable Adsense keywords. Valuable Adsense keywords are the most effective way for a small site with low traffic to earn big cash from Adsense. And you can do this barter trade on an ongoing basis so that you always have a constant supply of valuable Adsense keywords which you can use at your site or blog as one of the ways to make more money from Adsense.

5) Ways to make money from Adsense

By Sending Teaser Emails To Everybody In Your Inbox And Also To Your Opt-in Email List Most of us receive tons of email in our inbox every day. You’ll be surprised at the huge number of people you know by simply going through your email inbox. No matter how good your spam filters are, you are also bound to be receiving more than your fare share of SPAM or unsolicited email. All this is gold lying in your email inbox and there are ways to make money using these emails. All you need to do to process the emails into pure gold is to send out teaser emails about the most interesting aspects of content at your site. The whole objective of teaser emails is to get people to visit your site. For instance if I were to send out teaser email on this content here is how I would construct it;

Subject: Free Tools Currently Being Used To Increase Adsense Earnings

Your Own eBook Business


Your Own Ebook Business

Selling ebooks are a great choice for a first online business, why you may ask? because its simple and its easy, Its simple because you can buy hundreds of thousands of ebooks for low prices and sell them at a profit and why is it easy? Because theres no physical storage of goods, theres no sending packages you can make it all automatic, and you can sell the your ebooks over and over again without having to restock your items.

Once you have decided to start an ebook store, where's the best place to sell them? You can sell your ebooks on eBay as CD's, you can't sell them as anything but now on eBay, you can sell them on a website or even your blog. I suggest you check google for ebook stores and get some ideas on how to lay your out and what information you should include doing research will help. Heres an example ebook store

One big key in selling ebooks and doing well is to also have ebooks that you have created yourself, yes you can make money selling other peoples content but you will make more money creating and selling ebooks written by you, why is this? Because your content will be fresh and new and no one else will be selling it. A mixture of resalable ebooks and your own ebooks is a big key to making big money in the ebook business do this and I can't see it failing. If you need to know more about writing ebooks go to to learn more.

Finally when selling ebooks over the internet it wont work unless you want it to work and thats the same with anything in life, if you don't want it to work then it wont work, so to get it to work you need to market and market and market till you can't market no more, be creative when marketing use the normal strategies like email lists and forum post etc, but also come up with new ways to get your business out there because if you don't market it wont work. Good luck to you in your ebook ventures

P.S. If your lazy and don't really have the time to setup your own ebook business but really want to start one then I suggest you go here because this site has done all the work for you. click here

All about Blogs and Blogging


Blogging has become a part of day-to-day life. People have taken to share their views and opinions and post their comments online. A blog is an interface where people communicate with one another. It is a shared on-line journal or a diary. A blog is thrown open to the public who considers the same as their own web site and updates it regularly. The term blog stands for word ‘web log’.

According to some experts, a blog is a collection of posts, be it informal, short, deeply personal or controversial. It contains updated information on everyday basis.

Blogging Effectively:

People interested in blogging need to keep a check on their word usage. A controversial comment is likely to spark violence among the community. Below are some tips to ensure that the blog is free from any controversy.

1. Always think of the reader before writing. Follow the WIIFM principle that stands for ‘What's In It For Me?’ The written content has to arouse interest in the minds of readers.

2. It is good to proofread the content for any grammatical errors and typos. Blogging is all about publishing content. Hence, the writer has to make sure the content is error-free and appealing.

3. The content has to be valuable and worth reading. It is advisable for beginners to share articles of other people or review any book, before blog writing.

4. Follow the KISS theory, which means Keep It Short and Simple. Online readers do not have enough time to read the overall content, even if it sounds interesting. Hence, stick to the main idea behind blogging. Publication of short posts is good as compared to lengthy articles.

5. Make content live that serves the readers' areas of interest. This does not mean that the blogger has to be a born writer. Assume it a live conversation, wherein people have gathered to share their ideas over a certain topic. Stick to the five Ws- who, why, what, where and when.

6. Make others familiar regarding what is happening around the world. Post comments on routine lives of celebrities and famous personalities. This builds a rapport and attracts more people to the blog.

7. Put forward your ideas in a clear manner. Avoid jargon or double speak. Do not repeat ideas. The reader has to get a clear picture of what the writer is trying to convey. As such, have a straightforward approach in writing.

8. Blogging has to be with respect to people of all age groups. In addition, it is beneficial to include ideas that generate rapid interest among readers.

9. Headline of the content has to be clear and in a bold statement. Avoid misleading the readers. The writer may use specific key words. Frequent key word usage helps to stick to the purpose of the blog and appeals to search blogs. This increases the chances of ranking on the blog.


Blogging helps people to know about the current topics, burning issues, and trends. Thus, individuals willing to voice their opinion on some issues or those who do not have time to go through the newspaper or TV news, and even common people can equally benefit from blogs.

What is RSS?


What is RSS?

RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. RSS was introduced by Netscape in 1999.As per Wiki, ‘RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.’ In other words, RSS is the process of distributing url links to the content of your webpage that you want to share with others. RSS is a unique way to stay updated on anything you are interested in. You have probably seen many blogs, articles and even webpages become popular with RSS feeds. RSS is the process of gathering useful news and content as happens and you eventually become expert in that field.

For instance, say you subscribe So every time we post a new article or new content, it will automatically get updated in the RSS reader. You can become an expert in any filed by simply subscribing to RSS feeds.

How does RSS syndication work?

RSS syndication is very easy to understand. Like for instance, you publish an article about Content writing. You want to share the articles with others and also want them to make aware of your article. So, by listing that ‘article web page’ as an ITEM in your RSS file, you can have the page appear in front of those people who read information using RSS readers.

RSS feeds allow people to easily add links to your content within their own web pages. Mostly you will see Bloggers, article subscribing to RSS feeds for the above mentioned reasons.
How to create RSS File?

Making an RSS File is very easy. One who possess the knowledge about html, will able to understand the cut-paste

from another else’s RSS file to make your own file. If you don’t know HTML, please start a blog because the blogging tools automatically generated RSS Feeds.

I hope now it is clear to you, theoretically but always suggest you to try it on your own. i,e practically.So what are you waiting for friend. Go for RSS..Now!

What is Article Marketing?


Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a bio box and byline that include references and contact information for the author's business. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.

With the rise of e-commerce and online marketing, article marketing has made the jump to the online world as well. As in traditional forms of media, online article marketing has served the dual role of providing publishers with essentially free content and advertisers with essentially free advertising, a win-win situation. The website where an author can post an article is known as an article directory.

The primary reason an author can post an article without cost is because the directory owner places advertising on each article page and collects the revenue generated from the advertising. The article directory site gradually gains in search engine popularity as more articles are posted, which benefits both the author and the directory owner with increased article views.

Another article marketing option available is where the author can choose to take control of the advertising space on the page where his article is posted. With this option the author has the choice to either have no advertising to compete with the article, or to have control over the advertising on the page along with the revenue generated.

Article marketing relies very heavily on search engine optimization (SEO). SEO deals with the order in which web pages are ranked when keywords or phrases are typed into search engines. The higher a page is ranked, the more likely that page will draw a greater number of site visitors. For company websites, increased traffic often translates into increased sales, and article marketing has proven to be useful and effective for several leading Internet marketing ventures.

One method of SEO encompasses the idea that a website's rank in search engines will rise as it obtains more backlinks. Therefore, writing and distributing articles that contain a link to a business owner's website within the bio box should result in more links back to that website.

Theoretically this process will increase that website's rank within search engines. This theory has led to a trend in online marketing toward writing articles solely for SEO purposes, and those articles are commonly referred to as reprint articles. This trend has been matched by a wide selection of article marketing directory sites which accept, vet, and provide redistribution of such articles to online publishers.

Make ebooks


Related Roadmap About marketing ebooks

Hello to one and all.I m ankush raj.Are u Finding specific information about marketing ebooks?? might not be easy but i have gathered very helfpul and relevant information about the general subject matter, with the ultimate aim of helping you out. Even if your search is about other marketing ebooks information, such as adobe ebook reader, free downloads software, pdf software, create ebook software, ebooks online or even windows ebooks, this article will prove very helpful, to say the least.

It's a great joy with the coming of audio books; learning has been made a lot easier. Also, with the coming of audio books, one can easily enjoy listening to a fun or entertaining book better than with a traditional book. Many people will prefer to buy an audio book format of a book than the hardcover format because of the ease they get from "listening", instead of "reading'.

That's why many book titles now come in audio book format as well as physical book format. Many will agree what a great time saver it would be to "listen" to a book rather than "read" it, especially when one "listens" while driving a car or truck. It's not just the extra time one would save, one would also gain a lot of knowledge from the audio book as well. It's very clear these days that children, adults and oldies all won't pick a normal book format if there's an audio book format of the same book.

SIDEBAR-- If you have the patience to go through the remainder of this article related to marketing ebooks you will certainly learn one or two things that will prove very helpful to you. Keep right on reading and be well informed about marketing ebooks and other related ebook reader for palm, ebook resell right, resell rights, ebooks, ebook software review and harry potter ebooks information.

Audio books are much more cost effective in terms of production than other paperbacks and hardcover books; this is a big extra advantage audio books have. For those that love conserving nature, they will agree that with audio books nature will be conserved, but with hardcover and paperback, nature won't be conserved.

Don't forget that even if your immediate marketing ebooks quest isn't answered in this article, you could even take it further by doing a search on to get specific marketing ebooks information.

Many people that searched for marketing ebooks also searched online for create ereader, palm ebook reader, and even ppc ebooks.

As you enjoy this article note that some people misspell the marketing ebooks with beooks, ebook readre reviews, createe books, ebook makers oftware or even cretae ebook software.

CONCLUSION -- No doubts about it. The above article related to marketing ebooks will give you more insights and deeper understanding on the subject in question and other ebook reader reviews, ebooks reader, ebook cover, publish ebooks, mobipocket ebooks and pdb ebooks information.


I have lots of insightful and significant articles that provide very insightful information not just about marketing ebooks, but also others related to various ebook cover creator, adobe acrobat ebook reader, pda software, create ebooks, make money with ebooks and create harry potter information.

Go to & to get a simple software making application. Anyone can make software.

The Amazon Battle


Amazon is a big piece to our success and as they continue to change their model, how we market and sell our books needs to change as well. It's no secret that Angela Hoy of BookLocker and WritersWeekly has been very vocal about the recent move on Amazon's part to get all their POD publishers to print books through BookSurge. You can see some of her past posts on this topic by clicking over to her WritersWeekly site.

Amidst the media firestorm Angela is in, she's taken some time to answer our questions related to this topic:

1) You just filed a lawsuit against Amazon. Why did you decide to do this?

We believe what they're doing violates anti-trust laws and puts us and other POD publishers and authors at risk. Somebody had to stand up and cry foul.

2) Can you discuss the nature of this lawsuit?

There is a link to a PDF file of the actual lawsuit here:

3) Do you think you can win against this giant?

Yes, I absolutely do.

4) Many people have talked about Amazon being a monopoly, do you feel the same way and is there anything that can be done against this giant?

The only way to stop this type of action by a company that dominates the online book selling market is to take them to court. That's what they have forced us to do.

5) There's been some scuttle recently that Amazon might have aspirations on being a publisher. Do you think that will ever happen? What are the ramifications of this if it does happen?

Amazon already is a publisher. They not only became a publisher when they purchased BookSurge, but Amazon also admits in its 10-K filing with the SEC, that publishers are their competitors.

6) So many individual authors with their own imprints have been affected by this decision, many of them don't even realize the ramifications of this BookSurge push. What can one book author do to fight this giant?

What many authors don't realize is that some POD publishers may already be working with Amazon (the confidentiality clause in the Amazon/BookSurge contract appears to prevent them from disclosing the relationship) and that those authors' books may soon be printed by BookSurge without their knowledge. Authors who have researched BookSurge online may have grave concerns about the quality of BookSurge books that have the author's name printed on it.

I, personally, would never let BookSurge print a book with our name on it. We have a history with BookSurge that involved quality problems.

Just to check up on them, I purchased a book from Amazon/BookSurge last month and the quality was horrible. The back cover was off-center, some of the photos were so dark the people were completely unrecognizable (black shadows is the best way to describe it), there was a gross glue glob on the cover, and more.

7) What else can we do to fight this online giant?

Authors and POD publishers need to speak out about this situation now, and need to keep speaking out about it. Amazon may be hoping things will just simmer down and that people will forget all about this someday.

Unfortunately, when that someday arrives, some POD publishers and self-publishing authors may be out of business because of Amazon's actions today.

8) If Amazon is allowed to do this, what do you think will happen in the future? Will their next announcement be a roll-out of their publishing model?

They've already rolled out their publishing model and they've already taken action. The buy buttons for Publish America books (estimated at 30K titles) have already been turned off by Amazon.

9) What has surprised you most about this process?

It didn't take any forethought at all for us to decide to fight this. It's wrong and somebody has to do something about it. We expected some press in the writing and publishing industry publications and blogs. What we didn't expect was the overwhelming support we received on a global scale from authors, publishers and book buyers. People are furious with Amazon. I've done more interviews in the past six weeks than I've done cumulatively my entire life. In addition, we've received far more emails about this topic than about any other topic we've covered in the past 11 years in WritersWeekly.

Every voice counts and you CAN make a difference! Believe me. Amazon is reading what people are saying!

Achieve Marketing Success By Blogging


Blogging should be done by everyone. Get rid of any pre-conceived opinions on blogging.

It is an incorrect notion of many people that a blog is a private journal. the truth is very far from this In fact, many of the world's biggest and most profitable business have blogs.

Establishing and updating an active blog could support your online business in many ways.

Even before your web business is established, you can blog to create interest in your market area.

If you write down your opinions on a specific topic, you'll come a way with a better perspective on how you want things to go. For example, if right now all you know is that you want to be involved in the health market, start blogging about different aspects of health eating well,practicing a sport,good health.

You will find that you enjoy covering certain sub-topics more than others. You'll also discover that your postings on one sub-topic get read more than postings on another sub-topic, giving you some good insight on what area you are most effective at connecting with an audience.

There are also many more reasons to create a blog. Blogs do excellent in search engines because the search engines like the frequent content you pump into your blog.

Blogs are also networked in nature -- meaning they are linked heavily with other blogs and websites. This web of linking between blogs and sites helps in search engine rankings.

Blogs are also great front-end products. If your goal is to direct people to something they can purchase, providing those people with some free information upfront through your blog gives you the opportunity to prove your worth to an audience.

People will become fans of your blog and visit it frequently. These people will then be more likely to buy something you recommend.

Before starting a blog, check out some of the popular blogs in existence to see what they do good and bad.

See what these most popular blogs do effectively, and spend a few minutes getting a better idea of what a blog is all about. Then use the search feature to find some blogs in your market or niche to get even more insight into blogs that are relevant to you.

Perhaps most importantly with your blog, be professional but be yourself. You want to remain informal with your blog, and make your self accessible to your audience by providing contact information and engaging readers in the comment sections of the blog posts.

How To Advertise Your Blog or Website Free


HI one and all . I am ankush raj. There are many ways to advertise your website or blog for free. Advertising online is easy to do and just takes a few minutes in most cases, depending on what type of ad you're promoting. You can take the first step in starting your free advertising by doing a simple search for "free advertising" on any major search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Msn. Remember when posting your ads, to bookmark the website where you posted the ad so you can return often to repost, edit or delete the ad or ads, as needed. You can save yourself a lot of time when placing multiple ads, by simply first typing your ads in Microsoft Word, then simply copying/pasting that information onto the online ad form fields.

I have listed some ways to jump start your free advertising below from personal experience and research on my own. Try them all and see what works best for you. Keep in mind, this is a learning process and it's a good idea to continue to add more websites to your bookmarks as you find what free advertising websites work best for you.

Sign-up and post your ads to Free Classifieds, Network and Banner exchanges and Affiliate websites. Once you sign up with Network Banner exchanges and affiliate websites, they will ask you to advertise their link on your website in return for free traffic on their website. This method of free advertising works very well for both parties. You will want to do a search for the top "Network, Banner Exchange, Affliate websites and Free Classifieds" so you don't waste your time on low traffic sites. You can also do searches for "How to Advertise for Free" for more tips. Once you find these sites, it's very easy to sign-up and get started.

Advertise your website or ads on a blog. There are many free blog websites like,,, and Once you start writing articles or blogging, you can post your website or ad on your blog. So when someone uses a search engine and types in a keyword matching your blog, your blog should pop up on the results page without you signing up with expensive ad campaigns like Yahoo or Google Adwords. This is a free, easy way to start advertising and increasing your web traffic.

Post your website or blog to free Web Directories. You can find free web directories by doing searches for "free web directories". Keep in mind, two out of the three listed below require a business e-mail rather then your personal e-mail address such as yahoo, hotmail, or msn due to spam policies. The five largest free directories to submit to are,,,, and

Join Group Forums on websites such as Yahoo, Google and Msn. When you join group forums, you can post your ads free and they will be visable to all forum members once they log into the group forum or via e-mail if they sign up to receive their messages that way. Your ad will show up in the main forums, major search engine of the provider who provides the group forum and all forum member's inboxes. You should post your ads at least once every day or few days for your ad to be seen, otherwise rotating ads will replace your ad with the most recent post and your ad will most likely not be viewed. This method is very effective and free but requires alot of time and maintenance.

Sign up with free group forum mailers. Most group forum mailers will charge you a fee for this service but there are some that offer free trials. The great thing about these mailers is they already have a form set-up to mail your ad to all the group forums you have signed up with so instead of visiting each group forum and posting your ad manually, you do it all in one shot. Most group forum mailers require that you join the group forums they mail to before sending your ad out. This method can be very effective and can mean your ad reaching hundreds if not thousands per day! You will need to use the mailer at least once per day for your ad to be viewed.

Join Free Advertising Forums. This is a great way to start posting ads for free. Free Advertising Forums are easy to find on any search engine and it's easy to sign up and get started. You should post your ads at least once per day if you want your ad to be viewed due to the high volume of ads being posted by other members.

Post your website or blog in Social Networking sites or Blog Directory sites. This is one of the most effective free way to advertise. Most Social Networking websites have millions of users and viewers and growing. Sites like Technorati, Del.ic.ious, Blinklist, Digg, Reddit, and Propellar are some great social networking sites to start with. Do a search for "Top Blog Sites to Submit Your Blog To" and post your blog or blogs on those sites as well. If you do a search for "Social Networking Sites" they are easy to find on any major search engine.

Request or submit your link to websites with high traffic. Also a very effective way to get in the search engines for free because of backlinks. The more sites you are listed on, the more backlinks you will receive - which means the search engines will find your site for free when someone does a search with your keywords. If you know of a similar website to yours with very high traffic, leave a comment or request a link exchange from their webmaster. Different sites have different policies but once you are listed on a high traffic site, this method can really increase your traffic! If you don't see "submit or suggest a site" link, click on "contact us", and e-mail the webmaster sending a nice e-mail about why you like their website requesting them to add your website link to their page.

Try all these methods and see if your traffic doesn't increase. There are many ways to advertise, so you will need to use several methods to see which ones work best for you. Keep in mind, high web traffic can depend on what kind of website you are promoting, how well your ad is written and how often you post it. I hope this article was helpful to those who need advice on free advertising in today's competitive market. Happy advertising!

Click here to find out how you can get Google Ads for free


If you read my previous article you will know that the goal of these articles is to teach you ways to get started making money online without having to spend any money.

This is the second in the series and this time we deal with having your own blog. There are endless ways of making money once you have traffic, and your blog will get you traffic. The income we will be looking at today will come from Google Adsense.

There are multiple benefits to having a blog including the low cost (or no cost), the resources that will help you get traffic to your blog and the fact that you can provide your blog as an RSS feed. An RSS feed will allow readers to automatically receive your updates into their RSS reader.

Let's get started with our 6 steps.

1. Set up your blog. You will need to decide what you are going to blog about. You should decide on a theme and name your blog appropriately.

There are a number of free ways to set up a blog & to have it hosted for free. We will go with for our first blog.

Blogger will allow you to set up a blog for free they will host it for free and they will ping search engines every time you update, meaning you will get spidered & found.

Visit & click the button on the front page labelled 'create your blog now' then follow the step by step instructions that Blogger provide.

Some key settings you will want to get right are:

I) 'Host your blog at Blogger' = Yes II) 'Add your blog to our listings' = Yes III) 'Ping' = Yes IV) 'Publish Site Feed' = Yes

2. Write some content. Before we move any further there has to be some information on the site & that means that you have to make some entries. You can write some of these entries yourself & some can be quotes from sites of interest to your reader that you can post using the Google Toolbar.
You can download the Google toolbar for free at The toolbar includes a Blogger button. When you visit a site that has something of interest to your readers you can highlight the appropriate text & click the Blogger button. The content will then be added to your blog along with a link back to the site.

3. Once you have some content eg a weeks worth of blogging with 1 or 2 entries for everyday, you can apply for an adsense account. When you sign in to Blogger you will see an invitation to join Adsense. Use this link and apply for an account.

You can find out all about Adsense on the Adsense page but basically you get Google ads on your site & get paid if your visitor clicks them.

Google will decide what adverts show on your site based on the content it finds within.

You need to be aware that Google will decline your application if your site is not considered to have content. Nobody outside of Google knows the precise rules on this.

Once you have been accepted you can get some javascript from Google to add to you site. Copy this & then log in to Blogger.

Once you have logged into your blog you will see that one of the tabs across the top of the screen is labelled 'Template'. Click this. You will need to know a little bit of HTML to help find the right location to paste your Google code. But with a little experimentation you will find the right place for you. See the resource box at the end of this article for more help.

I would suggest that the ads need to be seen when the site loads but should not be too obvious or dominate your site.

4. Write some more content. Try and keep your content coming at regular intervals as a number of directories will check on your site at regular intervals & the smarter ones will visit on a schedule based on your update schedule. They will probably determine this in the hours after you first submit to them. Which is what we will do next.

5. Submit your site to Blog & RSS directories. Because you are hosting at Blogger, will already be notified when you update your blog. (That means that every time you make a new entry they are automatically notified) You will need to manually submit to the various other directories some of which will require a link on your site to theirs.

You can add these links to your template below your Blogger logo. For a list of directories to get you started visit

6. Keep writing interesting content. Ideally you want people to come back again and again. As with customers its harder to get a new visitor than to keep existing visitors. So make it interesting, in fact make it so interesting that they can't help but tell all their friends about it also.

As with most free ways to make money this will take time to get going, but if you can build a following you will make money. Please browse for more information at our websites.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6 Golden Rules To Remember When Writing Any Marketing Piece


In this article, I'm going to share with you couple of important stuff that are "golden rules" of writing any marketing piece. Make sure you bookmark this, so whenever you want to write a marketing piece, follow the golden rules and I guarantee whoever read your piece, will be coming back for more...

Rule Number 1 : Use "YOU," Not "WE"

Do you know what tick me off whenever I read a sales copy, mail message or article content and post? Here's an example of how it sound:

"We have the best service, best price and widest selection. We feel our customers are very important to us and we treat them like a family..."

We, we, we, you see, this is totally a big mistake, you can't write like this if you want your prospects to read your piece. To be honest with you, your prospect doesn't care about you and your family or what you feel... writing "we" is just as bad as writing "fuck" in your marketing piece.

The correct and actual way to write is from the reader's view point. You see, if you have been reading my blog's articles, you will notice that every single article I wrote, were "me" talking to "you" personally. To be honest with you, I always illustrate "you" in front of me when ever I start writing my article post.

So, you'd better say "you" a lot and for every 5 to 6 times, it's alright to say "I." Want example? What you are reading right now is a great example.

Rule Number 2: Write In The First Person

I'm sure by now this is pretty easy to understand. Write in conversational talk as if you were really talking to your friend. You can also imagine if it was a script you were going to read out load. You see it is extremely important to write in the first person, just like the way this blog is written. I'm sure if you have been reading my blog, you will feel I'm a friend of yours giving you advice. Don't you?

Rule Number 3: Urgency

This rule mostly apply to marketing piece thats trying to selling something. You see, if you're going to get them to order tight now, when you are about to close your piece, you'll need to insert urgency into it. To be honest with you, if you ever allow them to put the piece down and let them think about it later or even order later, there's a chance they'll forget to ever order. You see, your main motive is to compel them to order on the spot... as if they are lucky to received your piece to read it. In order to close this deal here are some ways you can write to tell them:

* You have limited quantity * Your price is going to go up * Special bonus only for 250 people

Always remember to give reason why it's a limited quantity or why price is going up, etc... because it's important to insure what you are telling them it's believable.

Rule Number 4: The "If...Then..." First Sentence

The Alternatives to Google AdSense


Google AdSense is the most widely used content-based advertising program by webmasters and web publishers to help generate extra income. Publishers register for a Google AdSense account, enable Google ads relevant to the content on their websites and make money when a visitor clicks on an ad. However, although Google AdSense is generally considered the current leader in content-based, online advertising, it's important for web publishers to realize there are many alternatives to this program, whether they are used instead of or in addition to AdSense.

Furthermore, many web publishers may find too many problems with Google AdSense. For example, they can be too picky in suddenly terminating people's accounts. When web publishers lose their Google AdSense accounts, they need to know what other options they have. In addition, Google AdSense's terms and conditions are such that some publishers are not even accepted into their program. Finally, some publishers find that Google AdSense does not provide a large enough selection of relevant ads that match their content. It is definitely worthwhile to consider alternatives to this program.

Pay-per-click advertising besides Google AdSense is one type of alternative, including such programs as Adbrite, AllFeeds, BidVertiser, Chitika, Clicksor and Yahoo Publisher Network. Adbrite, a customizable e-commerce site, is considered "The Internet's Ad Marketplace," and enables the publisher to not only control their own ad rates, but also to approve or reject every ad for their website. AllFeeds features the highest and best pay-per-click listings from thousands of advertisers, multiple display formats (text links, banners, buttons, search boxes, etc.), real-time reporting, customization and even an integration with Google AdSense. BidVertiser allows the publisher to display text ads on their site with advertisers bidding against each other, and they display the highest bidders for maximum revenue-earning potential.

Chitika, an impulse product merchandising service and comparative shopping engine, features interactive eMiniMalls. Clicksor boasts higher payouts per click along with a larger range of advertisers, supporting feeds from more than one advertising provider and the chance to earn more by either displaying relevant banners or underlining a section of clickable text on their websites. Yahoo! Publisher Network is a newer model and allows the publisher to not only display relevant ads and earn from each click, but also to integrate other features and programs of Yahoo! on their site, such as Y!Q and Add to My Yahoo! (RSS). Other pay-per-click advertising alternatives to Google AdSense growing in popularity include Affiliate Sensor, BidClix, ClixGalore, Fastclick, Kanoodle, Nixxie, Revenue Pilot, Searchfeed, TargetPoint and Vibrant Media SmartAd.

However, pay-per-click, content-based advertising programs are not the only ways for web publishers to generate online income. Affiliate marketing works great as well, using affiliate programs such as Commission Junction, Clickbank, Amazon and Linkshare. Affiliate marketing involves an affiliate promoting the services or products of a merchant on their site and is rewarded for every visitor, registrant, subscriber or customer that comes through them on a pay-per-click, pay-per-lead or pay-per-sale basis. Other alternatives to Google AdSense include networking opportunities, merchandising, RSS advertising, donations and sponsorships.

There is a plethora of alternatives to Google AdSense for publishers to choose from. A common piece of advice presented to amateur web publishers is to include more than one type of revenue-generating program on their site to unleash greater income-earning potential, for security, protection and for backup in case Google AdSense suddenly decides to close down their account.

Affiliate Marketing Vs. Google Adsense!


Lately there has been a lot of discussion on how to make tons of money with Google Adsense. In fact, many people are making the claim that Adsense sites can earn higher revenue then an affiliate-marketing site. Lately there has been a lot of discussion on how to make tons of money with Google Adsense. In fact, many people are making the claim that Adsense sites can earn higher revenue then an affiliate-marketing site.

So that brings us to an important question: Which is a better online business - Affiliate-Marketing sites or Google Adsense sites?

Let's explore each one and then find out which online business is better option:

Google Adsense

How does you like the idea of earning m*ney without dealing with customers or answering emails. This is possible when you run a Google Adsense site. With Adsense sites, you can have a virtual passive-income that requires little maintaining. But is this the best option for an online business?

Here are the positives of Google Adsense sites:

* They are perfect for people who run information sites that have no related affiliate product

* You can set it and leave it. With Google Adsense, you can create a content page, and there is little need to update the content.

* Adsense sites are easy to scale. Since they require little upkeep, you can easily create multiple websites that each makes a nice income.

Here are the negatives of Google Adsense sites:

* They are not a great long term solution. Instead of getting your visitors to subscribe to a mailing list, you are focusing on getting people to click on ads. Real online businesses concentrate on building assets that can use for long-term growth.

* These sites are dependent on search engines. Most Google Adsense sites make the mistake of depending on search engines for the majority of their traffic. If the SE algorithms change then your income might drop significantly.

Affiliate Marketing

Being an affiliate marketer is great for those who want build a theme site. With this type of business, you can easily create web pages around a topic and get people to buy products through your products. If done correctly, you can easily build a loyal following that will help you make money for years to come.

But can affiliate marketing make you more money than Google Adsense?

Here are the positives of affiliate marketing:

* A great advantage of affiliate-marketing is that you can build a long term business that will bring in a revenue stream for years.

* With affiliate-marketers you need to focus on building an email list. This list is a major asset of your business. Every time you have an offer, you can go to your list and increase your profits..

* Unlike Google Adsense sites, which only concentrates on high paying keywords, an affiliate marketing site can be centered on a topic that you have an interest in.

Here are the negatives of affiliate marketing:

* You have to learn how to write persuasively and get people to purchase the product that you are recommending. For many people this is a difficult skill to learn.

* Each affiliate marketing site requires a lot of effort. You must spend a lot of time writing product reviews, building your email list and creating web content.

So which is better: Affiliate marketing or Google Adsense?

The answer is that both are great solutions for an online business. Instead of choosing one over the other, you should create websites that can take advantage of both.

Here is how you can do this:

1) Create a content site on a topic that you are interest in, while paying a good amount per Adsense click.

2) Integrate your Adsense into the menu bars and the top of your web content.

3) Add web pages for affiliate-products and your opt-in email list. But, make sure that you leave out the Adsense blocks on these pages. This way you are ensuring that you are building your long-term assets.

4) Create optimized web page articles that focus on a specific keyword phrase. Place your Google Adsense in these blocks.

5) Provide your email list with good content and product recommendations. Once in awhile, email your list and provide a link to some of your web articles. That way, you can earn a little bit of m*ney from your subscribers while giving them good content.

By focusing on both affiliate products and Google Adsense, you will be building both short-term and long-term profits.

*Ways to Make Money*


The 4 most popular ways to makemoney without spending money.


# 1Make money selling your own product
Yes, you can do this without spending money. This is the path most small business take - and probably the most profitable one.

It is also the most difficult one of the 4 ways to make money without money. It's difficult and time-consuming. If you're forced to do it without a budget, it will be even more time-consuming. But you're determined to build a profitable, long-term Internet business, right? Hard work is not a problem. Right?

The most difficult part of this method is the product development.
What can you make without spending a penny? Something that people will still buy from you?

The answer lies in information products. We all have marketable skills. You're an expert in something.

Do you know a lot about cars?Write a mini-book on basic engine maintenance.
Know a lot about kids?Write a book called "101 Ways To Keep 2-year olds entertained" - you've already got your first buyer right here!

This is really doable. There are people who'd pay to know what you know.
Get nitty-gritty advice on creating your own product. Get the very short, very powerful e-book called "Ways To Make Money On The Net". No hype. Just dead-accurate advice. This document will save you two years of trial and error! Guaranteed.


# 2Make money selling someone else's product

When you sign up as an affiliate / reseller for someone else's product, you refer

people to the "supplier site" and you get a cut each time someone who you referred makes a purchase. It really is that simple. Probably the most doable of the ways to make money without money.

But you will only make money at affiliate programs if you can find a good supplier. One that's honest about tracking of sales and one that will pay on time.
I highly recommend the Logo Design Affiliate Program. It's great if you target small business owners who might be in the market for a business logo or other graphic design work.
You can't believe everything you read about affiliate programs, but they can really make money.

A significant portion of my own Internet income is from affiliate programs. There are a couple of things you have to get right though. That book I mentioned above also looks at some of the best ways to make money with affiliate programs.


# 3Make money selling advertising space

The idea behind it is to offer free information from your web site to pull in high volumes of traffic. Once you've achieved that, advertisers would pay you to display their advertisements on your site. This is probably one of the oldest and most hyped ways to make money without money.

It worked really well until the end of 2000. It's how Yahoo became big. With the dotcom bust in 2000, even Yahoo was forced to look to alternative revenue streams. Advertisers began to realize that, in most cases, web advertising is just not cost effective.

Nowadays most people don't click ads right?


Wrong! There's life in this old machine yet...

Contextual advertising (like Google's AdSense program) offers a real alternative to traditional advertising - and many web site owners are rediscovering this tried and tested way of making money from their web sites.


# 4Make money doing what you already do
This is not for you if you're looking to build a serious small business on the Net. It's the easiest of the ways to make money without money, but because it's easy, it doesn't pay much.

Very little in fact.

It mostly involves getting paid to surf the Internet and getting paid to take surveys. It's like stuffing envelopes for money. If that blows your hair back, type "getting paid to do surveys" into the search box at Google and hit "Enter". Take your pick. Don't expect to get rich though.

WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE... Bonus Tip... How serious are you?

Ok, you've read this far.

Time I spilled the beans...

Making money online is not easy. If it was, you'd be out there making it, not over here reading about it.

I worked my butt off for two years before I made my first sale online. Two years of trial and error, late nights and too much coffee.
Shave two years off your learning curve. Get "Ways To Make Money On The Net" right now. At only 7 bucks with a full money-back guarantee to back your investment, it's a no-brainer.

Find out more about the book here.
Buy that book, read it, APPLY it and keep at it. You can and will make money from on the Net.

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