Thursday, June 19, 2008

Articles Can Make Money


Most people seem to want to keep switching from automatic software generators to bombs to portal sites to directory listing sites, which is fine, but I have and always will stick to creating unique content that's informative and of high quality. Adsense is all the rage now, and there are so many different ways to make money from Adsense, but here is a method you've probably not tried and most people probably won't s it does take effort and time. Most people seem to want to keep switching from automatic software generators to bombs to portal sites to directory listing sites, which is fine, but I have and always will stick to creating unique content that's informative and of high quality. My method is not the only way to make money with Adsense, but I feel this is the best method for long term success, simply because it's been working well for me in different ways since I began Internet marketing a while ago.

This is a business idea that I'm doing right now and I believe it will make me a fortune in the long run. What I've been doing is creating a site similar to It's a free site that shows people how to do a lot of different things. The best way to explain the site is just for you to go have a quick look now. They have thousands and thousands of pages of content on all sorts of subjects and the way they get traffic to their site is through the search engines, which is all well and good if you want to wait awhile, but this guide is all about making money quickly. Every page on their site has an adsense box on it and that's how they make their money. They also have a Alexa traffic ranking of around 2000 which is great.

Trying to write that much content before making any money would be difficult, you'd lose interest quickly and trying to write that much content or even buy that much content in one hit would be lunacy. You also need to submit your articles to online article directories. Each directory has its own submission guidelines so be sure to check them out first. Make sure your resource box is included with the article when you submit it. Without this resource box, readers will not know who wrote the article or how to get more information from your website. More visitors will also help increase your search engine ratings.

When you join Google's Adsense program, Google will place Adsense ads on your site that are directly related to the topic that you are writing about. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you are paid for that click. The amount you are paid will depend on what the advertiser is paying for that ad and only Google knows that. The more traffic you get to your site, and the higher your click through rate (CTR), the more money you can earn.

I've always preferred to make money constantly even if the project is only half done or in progress. I find it gives me incentive to keep going.


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